Browse Exp results for : HSPB6

 PubMed IDSpeciesExperiment descriptionSampleIdentificationsIsolation methodsVesicle typeMISEVQuantification
1 32938681 Homo sapiens Annexin A1-dependent tethering promotes extracellular vesicle aggregation revealed with single-extracellular vesicle analysis Valvular interstitial cells Protein Differential centrifugation
Extracellular vesicles EVs EVQuant
2 34108659 Homo sapiens Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker Pancreatic cancer cells Protein Differential centrifugation
Size exclusion chromatography
Exosomes Small EVs EVQuant